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Best Companion Plants For Phlox That Will Make Your Garden Pop

Best Companion Plants for Phlox That Will Make Your Garden POP


Phlox is a beautiful and versatile flower that can add a touch of color and charm to any garden. But did you know that companion planting can help your phlox thrive? By planting phlox with other compatible plants, you can improve their health, increase their blooms, and deter pests and diseases.

In this blog post, we will discuss the best companion plants for phlox. We will also provide tips on how to plant and care for these companion plants so that you can create a beautiful and thriving garden.

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What are Companion Plants?

Companion planting is a gardening technique that involves planting different types of plants together for their mutual benefit. Companion plants can help each other in a variety of ways, such as attracting beneficial insects, deterring pests, improving soil quality, and providing shade or support.

What are the Best Companion Plants for Phlox?

There are many different plants that can be good companion plants for phlox. Some of the best options include:

  • Coneflowers: Coneflowers are tall, colorful flowers that bloom in the summer. They are a good companion plant for phlox because they have similar growing conditions and can help to deter pests. Image of Coneflowers and Phlox
  • Lavender: Lavender is a fragrant herb that blooms in the summer. It is a good companion plant for phlox because it helps to repel pests and attract pollinators. Image of Lavender and Phlox
  • Ornamental grasses: Ornamental grasses add height and texture to a garden. They are a good companion plant for phlox because they don't compete for water or nutrients. Image of Ornamental grasses and Phlox
  • Yarrow: Yarrow is a hardy perennial that blooms in the summer. It is a good companion plant for phlox because it helps to deter pests and attract pollinators. Image of Yarrow and Phlox
  • Bee balm: Bee balm is a tall, colorful flower that blooms in the summer. It is a good companion plant for phlox because it attracts pollinators and helps to improve soil quality. Image of Bee balm and Phlox
  • Marigolds: Marigolds are brightly colored flowers that bloom in the summer. They are a good companion plant for phlox because they help to deter pests. Image of Marigolds and Phlox
  • Asters: Asters are tall, colorful flowers that bloom in the fall. They are a good companion plant for phlox because they have similar growing conditions and can help to attract pollinators. Image of Asters and Phlox
  • Salvia: Salvia is a genus of flowering plants that includes many different species. They are a good companion plant for phlox because they attract pollinators and help to improve soil quality. Image of Salvia and Phlox

How to Plant and Care for Companion Plants

When planting companion plants, it is important to consider their mature size and spacing requirements. You should also plant them in a location that receives the same amount of sunlight and water.

Once your companion plants are in the ground, you will need to water them regularly, especially during the first few weeks after planting. You should also fertilize them every few months with a balanced fertilizer.

To keep your companion plants healthy and pest-free, you should deadhead spent blooms and remove any diseased or damaged leaves. You may also need to spray them with an insecticidal soap or neem oil if they are infested with pests.


By planting phlox with compatible companion plants, you can create a beautiful and thriving garden. Companion planting can help to improve the health, increase the blooms, and deter pests and diseases of your phlox.

With a little planning and care, you can enjoy the beauty of phlox for many years to come.

Phlox is a beautiful and versatile flower that can add a splash of color to any garden. But did you know that there are certain companion plants that can help phlox thrive?

Some of the best companion plants for phlox include:

  • Asters: These tall, daisy-like flowers bloom at the same time as phlox and come in a variety of colors. Garden Wiki has a great article on companion plants for phlox that lists asters as one of the best options.
  • Echinacea: Also known as coneflowers, these hardy perennials attract butterflies and other pollinators. Garden Wiki also mentions echinacea as a good companion plant for phlox.
  • Liatris: These spiky, lavender flowers bloom in late summer and add height and interest to a phlox border. Garden Wiki also recommends liatris as a companion plant for phlox.
  • Monarda: Also known as bee balm, this fragrant herb blooms in late summer and attracts pollinators. Garden Wiki lists monarda as one of the best companion plants for phlox.
  • Rudbeckia: These bright yellow flowers bloom in summer and add a cheerful splash of color to any garden. Garden Wiki also mentions rudbeckia as a good companion plant for phlox.

If you're looking for ways to improve the health and appearance of your phlox, consider planting some of these companion plants. Garden Wiki has a wealth of information on companion planting, so be sure to check it out for more tips.

FAQ of companion plants for phlox

  1. What are some good companion plants for phlox?

Phlox is a versatile plant that can be paired with a variety of other flowers. Some good companion plants include:

* Coneflowers: Coneflowers have similar growing conditions to phlox and bloom at the same time, so they make great companions. They also attract beneficial insects, which can help to control pests.
* Helenium: Helenium is another tall, summer-blooming perennial that looks great with phlox. It has bright orange or yellow flowers that will add a pop of color to your garden.
* Lavender: Lavender is a low-maintenance plant that is drought-tolerant and deer-resistant. It has a lovely fragrance that will attract pollinators.
* Ornamental grasses: Ornamental grasses add height and texture to a garden, and they can help to fill in spaces between phlox plants.
* Peonies: Peonies are classic garden flowers that bloom in the spring. They have large, fragrant flowers that will complement the smaller flowers of phlox.
  1. What should I avoid planting near phlox?

There are a few plants that you should avoid planting near phlox, including:

* Brassicas: Brassicas, such as broccoli, cabbage, and kale, can attract pests that will also target phlox.
* Potatoes: Potatoes can harbor a fungus that can also infect phlox.
* Daylilies: Daylilies can compete with phlox for water and nutrients.
  1. When is the best time to plant phlox?

Phlox can be planted in the spring or fall. If you live in a cold climate, it is best to plant phlox in the spring so that it has time to establish itself before the winter. If you live in a warm climate, you can plant phlox in the fall.

  1. How much sunlight does phlox need?

Phlox needs full sun to partial shade. If you plant it in too much shade, it will not bloom as well.

  1. How much water does phlox need?

Phlox needs regular watering, especially during hot, dry weather. Water deeply so that the water reaches the roots.

Image of companion plants for phlox

  • Daylilies: Daylilies and phlox bloom at the same time and have similar flower shapes. They also prefer the same growing conditions, so they make a great combination. Image of Daylilies and phlox companion plants
  • Clematis: Clematis is a vine that can be trained to climb over or through phlox plants. The combination creates a beautiful and dramatic display. Image of Clematis and phlox companion plants
  • Bee balm: Bee balm is a pollinator-friendly plant that attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. It also has attractive foliage that complements the flowers of phlox. Image of Bee balm and phlox companion plants
  • Rudbeckia: Rudbeckia is another pollinator-friendly plant that comes in a variety of colors. It can be planted in front of or behind phlox plants to create a colorful border. Image of Rudbeckia and phlox companion plants
  • Yarrow: Yarrow is a drought-tolerant plant that can add some texture and interest to a phlox garden. It also blooms for a long period of time, so it will provide color throughout the summer. Image of Yarrow and phlox companion plants

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